The S·P·A test is designed to assess how well the test-taker is able to express and sustain conversations in English across a wide variety of daily life and workrelated situations and topics.It consists of five main speaking tasks, each with its own set of evaluation criteria.The S·P·A test is able to assess speakers across the entire spectrum of language ability: from novices and beginners to speakers whose native language is English.
Every S.P.A. test undergoes a meticulous 3-step assessment process by professional evaluators formally certified by The S.P.A. Committee.Five or more evaluators take part in the assessment of the test-taker’s responses.
Face-to-face interview assessment by two evaluators
Detailed analysis of the interview video recording by two other evaluators
Third and final assessment by a senior evaluator
The S·P·A Score Report contains information on the individual test-taker’s performance, including the total score and sectional scores for each assessment area.The analysis of the test-taker’s performance and breakdown of scores includes a recommendation of improvement areas.
The S·P·A test results used by companies and institutions provide detailed diagnosis details by total score, level, and area. For more information, please contact 'Contact Us'.