S·P·A Level

S·P·A scores can be classified across 8 different proficiency levels, spanning from Level 1 (Unmeasurable Proficiency) to Level 8 (Native Proficiency).

S·P·A Proficiency Levels

The standard for S·P·A Proficiency Levels is based on that of a native English speaking proficiency.

Level 1
Unmeasurable Proficiency
Speaker at the basic level lacks the English communication skills necessary to respond to questioning and may not comprehend what he/she is being asked. Speaker makes no attempt to respond.
Level 2
Rehearsed Proficiency
Speaker is able to give one-word or short-phrase responses to the 5W1H questions. However, speaker may not fully comprehend what he/she is being asked and thus may frequently respond to an unrelated topic.
Level 3
Limited Proficiency
Speaker is able to communicate basic ideas within limited contexts. However, speaker occasionally may not comprehend what he/she is being asked and is unable to sufficiently support an opinion or statement. The majority of speaker’s responses contain habitual vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and/or pronunciation errors.
Level 4
Developing Proficiency
Speaker is able to communicate basic ideas across general conversational topics and is occasionally able to provide some elaboration on topics with which he/she is familiar. However, speaker may not comprehend what he/she is being asked at times. Responses still contain errors in the use of vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and/or pronunciation.
Level 5
Sustainable Proficiency
Speaker is able to comprehend what he/she is being asked and express relevant ideas and opinions across various situations and contexts but with limited elaboration. Speaker may lack the use of appropriate vocabulary and complex grammatical structures necessary to deliver in-depth responses with accuracy. Responses may contain errors in the use of vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and/or pronunciation at times.
Level 6
Highly Sustainable Proficiency
Speaker is highly intelligible and able to express ideas and opinions regarding various relevant topics and elaborate on responses effectively. Speaker may occasionally use imprecise vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and/or pronunciation, but these errors do not hinder general comprehensibility.
Level 7
Advanced Proficiency
Speaker’s proficiency approaches the native-speaker level. Speaker delivers well-developed, in-depth responses, explanations and opinions across various situations and contexts. Speaker’s use of imprecise vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and/or pronunciation is rare and negligible.
Level 8
Native Proficiency
Speaker’s proficiency is equivalent to that of a native speaker. Speaker demonstrates complete control of language and freedom of expression. Speaker’s vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar and pronunciation are precise. Speaker elaborates thoroughly using relevant, sophisticated vocabulary, sentence structure and expressions.